J.O.T. Journal Challenge
Want to give journaling a try but haven't figured out how to start? Or maybe you need help staying consistent? Or maybe you just want to jumpstart your journaling habit? Wherever you are at with journaling, this challenge will benefit you.
This is no ordinary journal challenge, its a challenge filled with inspiration.
This challenge is a 15 day email series that delivers a J.O.T. Journal prompt each day, explains the prompt, highlights its importance in your thinking, AND provides an uplifting and inspirational video associated with the prompt to support you wherever you are at in your life.
The videos were done by 15 different women, some you may know and some you may not, who all have valuable insights about different aspects of life, especially but (not solely) pertaining to motherhood. Each guest speaker shares 3-5 takeaways on a topic that will benefit you on your journey through life.
The topics covered are as follows:
Day 1-Goals in Progress: Courtney Rich @cakebycourtney
Day 2-The Power of Writing: Maren Droubay @marendroubay
Day 3-Positive Words: Hilary Craner @simplyyoursdesigns
Day 4-4 Ways to Simplify Motherhood: Camille Cazier @cherishyourspace
Day 5-Pursuing Passions in Motherhood: Alex Ford
Day 6-Postpartum Mental Health: The Emily Effect @theemilyeffect and @stiry
Day 7-Leading Inclusive Lives: Cathy Horne (my mom!)
Day 8-Redefining Motherhood and Eliminating "Mom Guilt": Hannah Olson @freckledhan
Day 9-Supporting Strong Emotions in Kids: Lauren Pace @rising.motherhood
Day 10-Teaching Body Safety: Katie Hastings @katiethemomthenurse
Day 11-Lessons on Motherhood from Running a Small Business: Karlee Turner @shopquinnst
Day 12-Time Blocking: Kylee Maughn @kyleeanncoaching
Day 13-Raising Readers: Aimee Smith @keepabookout
Day 14-Dangling Habits: Monica Packer @aboutprogress
Day 15-The Power of Journaling: Karla Carlston @jot_journals
Take the challenge, start journaling at your own pace. Whether you spread it out over 15 weeks, or 15 days, I can guarantee you will walk away feeling uplifted and more focused on living your best life.